Assignment2- EDLD5314 Literature review – Malick, S.
Creating innovation plans to enhance learning environments requires several different perspectives of support to be effective. The innovation plan created for the University Press student newspaper at Lamar University is a representation of those different perspectives and is now serving as a model for a wider application of the components of the same plan within the Lamar University Department of Communication.
The hypothesis of the innovation plan aligns with disruption innovation theory being used as an agent of change for a variety of organizations, since its introduction in Clayton Christensen’s landmark book, “The Innovators Dilemma.” The concept draws on the process that systems must implement disruptive practices in order to change and keep pace with the world that surrounds them (Christensen, 1997).
News organizations are no different in their need and desire to change and keep pace with society at large (Karimi, Walter, p. 40, 2015). News organizations and journalists hold a particular place in society with a civic mission as gatekeepers of information, watchdogs for the public’s right to know and as advocates for a free press and free speech among its many other functions (American Press Institute, p. 3, 2013). However, news organizations are subject to the same struggles as any other group: efficiency, fiscal responsibility and how to best serve its audience (American Press Institute, p. 5, 2013).
A review of literature includes supporting research for what the implementation of an innovation plan to enhance learning and teaching taking place at the University Press (UP) looks like from perspectives of learners and instructors, why and how innovation occurs and is implemented, methodology for implementation and achievement and a summary of results and observations during the innovation plan life-cycle from inception to present time and developments to expand the spectrum of application of the concept.
The challenge is to present balanced approach of innovation theory, student-centered learning, professional learning for instructors, use of technology and pedagogical theory. All of these components compliment the purpose and the goals of the innovation plan that frame the overall project.
The University Press Innovation Plan
University newsrooms and journalists are subject to forces of change just as professional news organizations and bear the responsibility of preparing new journalists for an ever-demanding workplace that not only has to practice news gathering, content production and adhering to standard practices of laws and ethics that are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution but must also be competent in its use of current and emerging technology. To teach students in an ever-changing career path, journalism instructors must embrace disruptive and innovative methods to adapt to these changes (Benton, 2014).
The first component of the innovation plan was developed to enhance student learning and professional achievement and improving faculty teaching methods with the additional outcomes to be fostered by, but will not be limited to tracking UP audience experience and engagement, documenting UP culture of practices and processes and the potential for transferring UP culture to other organizations or adapting the culture for use in other academic applications.
University journalism organizations cater to audiences that are essentially the same as the professional press, albeit smaller audiences and a different demographics. University audiences tend to be more educated than typical audiences and now are among the most highly engaged of technology driven audiences (ASNE, 2014).
The UP innovation plan achievement and learning goals are framed to address the “Why and How” of the purpose of student learning at the UP and within the Department of Communication and began in Fall 2016.
The innovation plan includes strategies for enhanced learning and teaching of students and staff and will be flexible to incorporate additional strategies and concepts as needed throughout the life of the innovation plan. Staff learning is emphasized because the rapid pace of technological advances in application software and devices requires the staff disrupt traditional models of teaching to enhance student learning. Peer teaching by veteran student journalists reinforces learning for both the veteran and novice student and creates opportunity for all stakeholders to invest quality time in skill development (Flavin 2012, p. 106). The plan will also address the culture and practices of the UP. Many practices at the UP are cultural and tribal (ASNE, p. 5, 2015) in nature and happen simply because that is the way they have been done for several years. Innovation is a cultural trait (Sonderman, Rosenstiel, 2015) to be practiced and small changes can have an exponential effect on an organization that can create and sustain long-term improvements for the learner and as institutional knowledge for the organization.
Two concepts will be infused into the learning and teaching UP, the maestro method and Choice, Ownership, Voice and Authenticity (Cummings, C., Thibodeaux, T. & Dwayne Harapnuik, D. 2016) to frame the UP innovation plan. The innovation plan is designed to be an on-going process. News content is a produced commodity. It is tangible, definable and has a varied-value that is determined by those that produce it and those that consume it (Baquet, Kahn, 2017).
The Maestro Method originally developed by Buck Ryan in the early 1990s and elaborated on by Streisel (2007) focuses on four main concepts of conception, collection, construction and correction. The UP innovation plan will use these concepts as a basis for veteran student staffers to coach staff novices about all aspects of UP operations and processes. The students at the UP come from a variety of academic backgrounds and have not necessarily taken any journalism coursework prior. The incorporation of Maestro will provide an opportunity for student editors and faculty advisors to broadly address student learning as there will be more instructional assets available in the newsroom. Maestro will also provide a time opportunity for more students to be more involved in collaborative works with other staff, editors and students. These basics of journalistic newsgathering and mode of operations and content production also gels with the COVA model. Maestro is also collaborative process in all aspects and concludes with tangible work that students can publish to an ePortfolio platform.
The Maestro Method is designed to operate in a cyclical fashion that requires work and constant communication for all team members (Streisel, 2007, p. 211-212). This method builds on what the COVA model elaborates on and addresses the individual student and that of a larger collaborative group.
The COVA model is suited and can be adapted for journalism students because of the broad domain of content that is created and the real-world learning environment. Journalism content of stories, photos and videos are examples of real world topics and how these students address and react to them. As journalism content is created, students can display their individual or group efforts not only in published works, but also through a collection of works in an ePortfolio (Cummings, C., Thibodeaux, T. & Harapnuik, D, 2016).
Methods and Data Collection
The UP innovation plan lies in the hands of those most involved – students and staff. The only restrictions these organizations have are the restrictions they place on themselves. Lewis (2012, p. 320-321) also concluded that barriers need to be broken down, steps to accessibility need to be reduced for students and teachers to innovate and grow. This is where the COVA model (Cummings, C., Thibodeaux, T. & Harapnuik, D. 2016) support the process because both learners and teachers need to participate in the process so that quality of learning and teaching is improved and shared. In addition, implementing Choice, Ownership, Voice and Authenticity (Thibodeaux, Cummings and Harapnuik, 2017) and the Maestro Method into instructional methodology for faculty and staff will further enhance the department’s learning environment for students and the e-Portfolio initiative.
Students surveyed via questionnaires and class interviews state they want and like choice in their educational plans, but they do not always know what to choose – they don’t know what they don’t know. Teachers have to choose to put a learner-centric model in their efforts not as a form of accommodation, but as reinforcement for discovery learning and constructivist approach to learning. Ownership is a companion attribute with Choice for both learners and instructors. The UP is requiring all staffers to complete a semester portfolio and will a requirement for all staff positions, regardless of their status as paid or academic contributors.
Students should have a voice and should demand a voice. Education is controversial in many circles, one is the escalating cost versus the return on investment (Christensen, C. M., Horn, M. B., Caldera, L. & Soares, L., 2011). Observations and interviews also reveal that there are some students, pundits and citizens at-large that argue the ROI for a college education is not worth the cost or time for the majority of people and, more controversially is a socially stratifying process that promotes anti-social, even subversive qualities to citizens that is akin to sedition.
Authenticity is a key element to expose students to learn the skills required in the professional world. (American Press Institute, p. 2, 2006) Are they desirable employment prospects? This is another primary growth area for collaboration (Karimi, Walter, . p. 41, 2015) to utilize different skill sets to teach our students.
Assessment of the ePortfolios will concluded at the end of each semester to determine completeness, variety of content and quality of content. Only published works can be submitted in the student portfolios.
My action research plan is two-fold, the first is to measure and reflect on my innovation plan to enhance the learning experience of students working at the University Press (UP) incorporating e-Portfolios and the documentation of the Maestro Method and COVA as instructional foundations.
The plan draws on the process that systems must implement disruptive practices in order to change and keep pace with the world that surrounds them (Christensen, 1997).
The second aspect of my research plan is the documentation of data to serve as a departmental model for modernizing instruction and to strengthen the significant learning environment for all communication majors at Lamar University. Instructional constructs are not always considered in assessing student learning and achievement outcomes and research has revealed that professional learning is just as an important component to innovation plan development in educational settings (Harapnuik, 2016).
The e-Portfolio implementation is currently an ongoing learning and instructional device for UP students with two semesters of use completed and data documented. Feedback has occurred with in class interviews of students and Google Forms questionaires. A qualitative approach for measurement was chosen because each student has a different personal experience with creating ePortfolios and students also participated in different capacities on the UP staff. Some students may be reporters and staff writers, other students may be working in advertising sales and design or working in multimedia production for the online component of the newspaper’s production.
A qualitative collection for the data is appropriate because so much of what our students do is individualized and subjective that it oftentimes requires explanation and elaboration with a student’s voice. Also, because a predominate amount of student’s work is authentic, there is not always a comparable body of work or experience to measure it with.
The format of interviews with individual students or in small groups provides a more in-depth and robust commentary on the functionality of the e-portfolio initiative and feedback for improvement or adaptation (McWhorter, Delello, Roberts, Raisor, Fowler, 2013).
Data collection
I’ve chosen to primarily use qualitative collection for the data because so much of what our students do is individualized and subjective that it oftentimes requires explanation and elaboration with a student’s voice (Frand, 2000).
The primary method of data collection will be individual interviews with students or in small groups. The interviewing process provides a more in-depth and robust commentary on the functionality of the e-Portfolio initiative and feedback for improvement or adaptation (McWhorter, Delello, Roberts, Raisor, Fowler, 2013).
I plan to also provide an anonymous questionnaire via Google Forms. Students will have the option to self-identify and the questionnaire will be structured using a Likert scale. The form will also have an optional commentary space for students to elaborate on any component they choose or maybe have not previously answered.
Implementation and Action Plan
There are challenges that are outlined in varying degrees for my innovation plan. For the UP component of my plan all of the pieces have been in place for decades and it has been a process of formalizing, structuring and documenting the process to create consistency for e-Portfolio activity.
There are several challenges to component I’m developing for the Lamar University Department of Communication.
The first challenge is that it is an e-Portfolio is an innovation and new concept for the department and deviants of change. There are faculty and staff that simply don’t want to change. My influencer model has been to engage colleagues individually and in small groups and basically interview them about their concerns (Patterson, Grenny, Maxfield, McMillan, Switzler, 2008).
I conducted interviews in two ways – in formal, overt settings within directives set forth by the dean and department chair, and informally and independently of directives in social settings such as individual lunches or office visits with those same colleagues (Patterson, 2012).
The second challenge, and it is connected to the first, is why individuals are resistant to change and the result fall into different categories – philosophical and personal.
The over-arching purpose of the research plan is to determine if e-Portfolios better prepare student ability to be employed in journalism or media-related jobs after graduation as supporting data as to why the plan should be implemented department-wide (Okoro, Washington, Cardon, p. 348, 2011).
Portfolios are not a new concept in education, nor in journalism and communication. Portfolios have been a decades-long established employment tool for many career field, especially in media and the arts (Graves, Epstein, p. 342-346, 2011).
In addition, contemporary social media and branding identity concepts are an integral component to career development and networking (Baquet, Kahn, 2017).
Prior to my action plan, informal research and data tracking has shown the strength of UP alumni securing employment through the use of traditional portfolios and e-Portfolios. Professional organizations have emphasized portfolios and e-portfolios for decades as a measure to determine professional competence (ASNE, 2015).
The data collected from my action research plan is to support and reinforce well-documented profession and career standards as a legitimate criterion for the Lamar University Department of Communication.
The action plan research will also document overcoming objections of change deviants and model methods to potentially be used for other organizations to follow or adapt (Patterson, 2012).
The innovation plan coupled with the action research plan serves a multitude of purposes stated in the plan and several others beyond those specifically addressed in it. Research findings will affirm the following:
- E-Portfolios, the Maestro Method and COVA provide students and instructors opportunities for regular and consistent reflection as a part of their learning experience (Ring, 2015).
- E-Portfolios provide opportunity for students to have ownership and voice in their learning environment and experience to achieve their learning goals (Phillips, McNaught, Kennedy, 2011).
- E-Portfolios allow students to develop a personal narrative to identify their strengths, enhance their professional development, and formulate a professional identity (ASNE, 2015).
The other items not specifically addressed in the action research plan that provides additional research opportunities include:
- Faculty and staff opportunities for self-reflection for instructional methodology (Phillips, McNaught, & Kennedy, 2011).
- Creating opportunity to achieve directive goals from the Provost of Academic Affairs
to improve departmental retention. - Creating additional opportunity for faculty and staff to monitor student progress and
achievement as directed by the dean and provost (Yancey, p. 303, 2015).
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